Poetry From The Gentler Side FireEagle's Page
[1. Tree of Woe][2. He Sings][3. For Sexy Mama Shark][4. Screaming Peace]
[5. Con Artist][6. Clarity][7. Barely Scared][8. Between Hate][9. Meat]
[10. Saturnalia][11. Walk With You][12.WanSum][13. Shore To Shore]
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(Thank You For That My Goddess)
A few others from my other days may have slipped in
Tree of Woe
I lived my life on the tree of woe…
Then she came and filed me
Standing over raining down love
Seeping in….and covering all my wounds…
Scarred and beaten as the beast may be
Alive and tired of dying
Each scar a story some so old forgotten who or what caused the pain
and finally it doesn’t matter anymore
Old pains are reminders of only age,
strings, association long destroyed
In her sweet love survival once again means something
I can feel a reason where often there was none…..
She lifts me from the tree of woe
and her love pours over
filling in the deepest scars…and healing the freshest quickly
Her sweetness filling the hollowness that was my heart
what was scarred and rubbish
Now is worthy of polish and a new start
Wounds are just bragging rights now
For her love has allowed me to grow and heal
Free from the tree of woe
My heart beats pure and full once more…
My eyes clear of bitter tears
Only weeping with Joyous love….
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~~He Sings~~
The Flaming eagle sits inside of his crystal cagE
He starts a low hum that shakes the cage
And slowly builds into a song for his love
Slowly a harmony grows between his pounding heart and the vibrating crystal
And the very air around him sings
A sweet ethereal chiming song ringing to the walls
And the words make no sense to the mind
But shake the hearts of those that get near
The Eagle sings with abandon knowing the song is for one
And knowing that when her smile sings with his laughter
All will be perfect
His love vibrating from wall
To cage
To his very soul
His Love
Her smile
And nothing else matters
His song
Rings pure
A chorus of a love that will not be held back
He sings
mjmansfield 6-17-11
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~~For Sexy Mama Shark~~
He sits barely clothed....
under the chill of a spinning fan
he shivers lightly on the outside
and trembles mightily on the inside
he has seen many things
Some have been quick flashes
Others have been epic tales
Nothing ever prepared him for Today
He knew what beauty looked like
Spent many hours thinking of sweet things
Walking in all of the right and wrong places
He's looked at thousands of made up faces
He is shaken and happy
as he sit's here thinking of you
Smiling into a dark quiet night
Hoping one more time he can get the words to come out right
He smiles and he whispers
So happy in your sweet love
hoping his voice can reach and touch
some how that you can know how much
He says the words a thousand times
hopes that they never sound faded but gain weight to your ear
wishing he had a sweeter newer fancier way to say I Love you
this language seems to hold him back but for now he hopes it will do
I do
I do
I do
I Love You
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~Screaming Peace~
He grabs each one of you and screams
Yet he reeks of silence and solitude
His words are sharp and cutting
But it’s plain to see his soft edges full of caring
A walking contradiction running to you
He only wants to be in his cave in the silence
But his heart screams to be near another
He lives his life wrapped in music, let it smother
He speaks rage and destruction
But is face is so soft and complacent
Passion bubbles from deep dark inside
His complete adoration no scowl could ever hide
Finally he stops and looks at you
His silence suddenly fills the room with noise
Every shelf, seat, couch, corner and cove
There is no way he can deny it he reeks of love….
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There are those of us who love so deeply it scars our soul and burn all around
Those that forget to hide, and it tear the barriers down
Those that can’t help themselves no matter what the pain
Those few like us that must dance among the flames…..
Con artist
Most gods are con artists
It’s not evil or malign
It’s a simple trick of nature
It’s how we were designed
You would never ask us in
If you knew how ugly we can be
If you knew how ruthless we had been
If you knew the truth of our greed
You would never let us in
The way we love so deeply
The fun that we begin
The passions run so freely
You would never let us out
We might not come back
We could not be held taught
We might viciously attack
You would beg us stay away
If you saw the pain
If you could see our face
If you felt our hearts strain
Most gods are con artists
Because we have to be
Because we need to touch
Because we have to feel…
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What a simple concept
If it were so easy…
Standing on the balcony hanging over the edge
The railing never seemed weaker
So ready to jump off of the ledge
All you have to do is suspend your beliefs…
Relax your grip and let go
Take the leap
Free falling past yesterday and into the new day
Coming fast it’s the ground
Doing it a different way
I am living a new complex simple life
Inside my brain twists and turns
Sleeping on the blade of the knife
I wish I could make it easier for you and clarify
But living this way isn’t simple
Let go and love, can terrify
These things that bubble up inside of me
Would make a weaker man break down
These are the things that make me, me
If you wanna live, simply lay down and die
Leave the other stuff behind
Living in my loves eyes
A thousand times an hour my heart screams your name
In the quiet spaces it whispers it between
Living inside your sweet flames
In this burning I become a newer faster smarter me
In your love the clarity comes…
All old notions put to rest
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~~~Barely scared…~~~
How can there be
All this pity for me..
Oh can’t you see
I’m almost free
As you fight each day
Try to get away
Breaking bonds in my way
Can’t you hear what you say….
You can’t comprehend
The beautiful den
That awaits me in the end
Why oh why, life, should I extend?
I will not live as you hold sacred
Nor shall shallow praise be baited
I will not be drenched in your healthy acids
No matter how my life be ended
Because I will not be trained by you
What good does your pity do
Mired down in your self indulgent goo
My last gasps need not be soothed
Yes I am almost free
More than you can ever be
Perhaps someday you’ll see
Let go…come…join me…
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Somewhere between hate and lust
I want you to love me, I want you to hold me
I want to control you, name you
Make you mine
Somewhere between hate and lust
I want you to take me, I want you to own me
I want to save you, keep you
Give all that I am
Somewhere between hate and lust
I want you to hate me, I want you to need me
I want to hurt you, kill you
Take all I see
Somewhere between hate and lust
I want you to hold me, I want you to want me
I want to caress you, to soothe you
Love ‘til we bleed
by: MJMansfield
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I’m tired of women that look like little boys
Vogue and Glamour what are you doing to our world…
You’ve got them puking in the bathrooms
Scared to gain an ounce
I’m scared to hold her it feels like broken glass
Is it too much to ask
I just want a little meat on the bone
Not one of Michaels little boys
I want a woman full grown
Is it too much to ask
I want a little meat on the bones…
Third world kids sending donations to her house
Kids in India sending her their rice
Homeless people in the street
Worried about her weight
Walking smiling corpse
She smiles at me and starts to wink
I cringe and try to hide
Only one thing I can think
Is it too much to ask
I just want a little meat on the bone
Not one of Michaels little boys
I want a woman full grown
Is it too much to ask
I want a little meat on the bones…
Since when did looking like a boy
Become the new in thing
Why can’t we go back to women
Like Marilyn and Jayne
I just want a little meat on the bone
A woman with curves
Is that too much to ask?
A woman to love
Is it too much to ask
I just want a little meat on the bone
Not one of Michaels little boys
I want a woman full grown
Is it too much to ask
I want a little meat on the bones…
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I am a sexual beast…
Here for my annual feast…
Master has finally unleashed
Prepare to be devoured
Resistance only kills the flower
Stand and receive my power
Come to me, be consumed…
Think of this not as doom..
But a glorious sacrifice under my moon
Be still and do not whimper…
Do not try to hinder…
My lust surrounds you as burning timber
Do not waste your sacred screams
Lay back in your goddess dreams…
All is never as it seems….
Lay back and embrace your god
Let the lust burn through the fog
Let the hunted feed the dog…
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~~~Walk with you~~~
I wander down the same old streets of broken glass
My bare feet leaving a crimson trail of memories
Not one of them are yours as I keep you close to my chest
You are the new thoughts that carry me
Sweet thoughts that make the shards beneath me feel like feathers
The loss of blood a cleansing instead of a burden
Sorrows fade slowly into the heavens
And my weary path seems to broaden
I walk on
I walk on
Your hand upon my every thought
Every heart beat full of your inspiration
Your sweet smile imprinted upon my mind
Every step towards you, my destination
My back is straighter my head held high
My step a bit quicker than before
Does not matter how many days or nights
I go until I lay at your door
I walk on …
I walk on…
Bleeding out the poisons not my heart
I needed to want you
I just never knew how to start
I needed to need you
Bleeding out the rage not my passion
Allowing you to touch me
Lust wrapped in loves conclusion
Allowing you into me
I walk on …
I walk on…
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WanSum WanSum WanSum WanSum
Would you like some?
Yesh, Sip
The sound of a tortured 2 year old…
Between shouts of MINE and peease
Grown-ups snidely play
WanSum WanSum WanSum WanSum
Want some drink
Yesh, Sum
How much fun to know the answers
And still hold the question out
Watch their face as we play
WanSum WanSum WanSum WanSum
Want a taste
Yesh, pease
His little face all twisted up at me
He’s asked a dozen times
How dumb dad must be
WanSum WanSum WanSum WanSum
A stick?
Yesh, Gum!
Some times disgust lines his face
But he plays the old mans game
And laughs when he wins
By MJMansfield 1-24-09
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as he walks upon the wintery shores of his land.....watching the mist and salty foam blowing upon the
beach....the complete feeling of alone....yet the glory in the all.....all hitting him at the same time...
chest hurts from the pounding his body is taking from the bilowy winds....His hair peppering his chin and
cheek....as the sand whips at his legs....looking from his land into the future-past....he stops.....
staring into the eastern sun.....no longer beating down upon the land.....just barely hanging in the almost
gray sky.....a dim reminder of it's glory.....Falling to his knees....sitting back.....he watches the sun dance
upon the waves......the Dolphin play......as he is lost in their beauty.....he barely notices...the crystal
Spire.....at first discounted as another fishing vessel...just scowering the coast....it rising slowly to the
south of him.....finally the sun light shining thru it.....creating Rainbows that cannot be avoided....grabbing
his full attention....he watches the spire grow...a rememberance of a life....one led or not yet attained....
the glorious crystal spire..in the atlantic....he watches and feels it grow.....heart pounding faster....the
last time he had the vision was thousands of years before....facing the setting sun from the green shores of
his hearts homeland....lost in the beauty and the power....his mind races....trying to comprehend..yet not
wanting too...just wanting it to be again....knowing the city beneath the spire...where the power was in the
love...and the earth...not in the hand or weapon....lost in it watching the luminous spire....on his knees in
reverance of all it stood for....not noticing the cool waters moving steadily toward him..or the sun now behind
him setting.....eyes and heart focused.....the cold water lapping at his leg in shock he jumps up stumbles falls
back into the soft sand....looks up into the quiet night...on his wonderful shore looking out....and seeing
only the blackness a night on the ocean can bring....the Spire still etched in his mind...he gets up slowly...shaking a bit....dust the sand from him....trying to keep the wet legs of his pants from touching
him....he smiles...and quickly hurries back to his tiny house.....thinking of his home long gone...and the
return of it in his heart...blessed...he laughs....and jogs....the cold wintery night burning his chest....
but all is good....for he remembers the joy...the Love....the why of living.....
By: MJMansfield 11/8/97