For now...just poetry...from the Twisted Mind of FireEagle/WaterDragon

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Welcome to C.O.L.S.

*This page was last updated 4-18-99*
This Page Resurrected 6-13-2011

In a Tragic Washing Powder incident this page was washed away.
I hope to have all information and links back soon.

Welcome To The Official C.O.L.S.(Clan Of Left Sock) Page.

There are many mysteries surrounding the Left Sock.
I hope to divulge what I safely can.
Safely is a relative term.
Revealing anything is dangerous.

The Left Sock is historically the greater Magick user of the two.
(right sock has very very little ability)
Though they pair with the right sock,
 it is only a working relationship.
Left Socks breed with Left Socks.
Keeping your Left Sock happy should be a constant concern.
For their ability to disappear instantly,
makes them very hard to hold,
 and if upset they can cause much trouble.
Case in point...Sally upsets her husbands Left Sock,
by kicking it across the room when she see's it on the floor.
The rage filled sock quickly takes revenge....
It dives across the room covering her keys and ~~~POOF~~~
It and her precious Keys are gone.(also setting her up)
When husband gets home..only one sock is found...
and it's her fault cause she moved them.
I hope, If I live long enough, 
to bring you more about this Magick beings land and ways.

For now......I Leave you with one Picture of me..
He zigs...and he zags...bobbing and weaving....
Stops for just a second so you can admire him.....

I am Mr.Fishy a too cool..Fedora Wearing Sock Of Mystery

Then he quickly....zigs...zags...and is simply GONE!!!!
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